Myoung Shin Industry Co., Ltd., a domestic auto parts producer, aims to minimize risks arising from management activities and production processes and to establish a safety and health management system. To this end, Myoung Shin Industrial aims to implement an industrial disaster-free workplace by preventing injury and occupational diseases of workers, and to fulfill its responsibilities and obligations to protect the environment and improve safety and health continuously, and to lead a pleasant life with workers and other stakeholders. In addition, it resolves to carry out continuous improvement activities through the following safety and health activities.
1. Prevent safety accidents by improving, developing, and applying hazardous and dangerous facilities with safety and health risks in each stage, from product development and design to purchase, production, use, and disposal.
2. Establish and implement goals and action plans to minimize and improve safety and health risks, and conduct continuous safety and health improvement activities.
3. Comply with the laws and regulations regarding safety and health and fulfilling social responsibility.
4. Comply with international standards and processes related to safety and health, and establish and implement a safety and health-friendly management system such as safety education and training, awareness enhancement, and technology development.
5. Fulfill our social responsibilities by disclosing our safety and health policy, safety and health goals and performance to employees and stakeholders, and priotize safety and health issues.
Myoung Shin Industry Co., Ltd. CEO
Park Bong-geun
Myungshin Industrial Co., Ltd., a domestic auto parts producer, aims to minimize risks arising from management activities and production processes and to establish a safety and health management system. To this end, Myungshin Industrial aims to implement an industrial disaster-free workplace by preventing injury and occupational diseases of workers, and to fulfill its responsibilities and obligations to protect the environment and improve safety and health continuously, and to lead a pleasant life with workers and other stakeholders. In addition, it resolves to carry out continuous improvement activities through the following safety and health activities.
1. Prevent safety accidents by improving, developing, and applying hazardous and dangerous facilities with safety and health risks in each stage, from product development and design to purchase, production, use, and disposal.
2. Establish and implement goals and action plans to minimize and improve safety and health risks, and conduct continuous safety and health improvement activities.
3. Comply with the laws and regulations regarding safety and health and fulfilling social responsibility.
4. Comply with international standards and processes related to safety and health, and establish and implement a safety and health-friendly management system such as safety education and training, awareness enhancement, and technology development.
5. Fulfill our social responsibilities by disclosing our safety and health policy, safety and health goals and performance to employees and stakeholders, and priotize safety and health issues.
Myungshin Industrial Co., Ltd.
CEO Park Bong-geun
Add : 91 Cheonbuksandan-ro, Cheonbuk-myeon, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea.
Tel : +82-54-740-2665
Fax : +82-54-746-9942
Email :
Copyright ⓒ MYOUNGSHIN All Rights Reserved.
Add : 91 Cheonbuksandan-ro, Cheonbuk-myeon, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea.
Tel : +82-54-740-2665
Fax : +82-54-746-9942
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